
Partridge Landscaping Ltd.

How to Get Rid of Crabgrass for Good

Healthy green grass

Crabgrass is one of the most unwelcome summer visitors in your lawn. It’s an annual weed that settles in your lawn and spreads quickly, robbing your turf of nutrients, water, and sunlight. Crabgrass grows best in hot, dry weather and can spread rapidly if not eliminated. Traditional methods of pulling out crabgrass by hand can be time-consuming and ineffective. In this guide, we’ll show you how to get rid of crabgrass for good using simple tips and techniques.

crabgrass solutionImprove Your Lawn With Easy Tips

  1. Mow Regularly: Mowing your lawn regularly is the best defense against crabgrass. Cut your grass short to a height of 1-2 inches to prevent the formation of crabgrass seeds. When you mow regularly, you prevent the grass from going to seed, which is when crabgrass begins to develop. However, be aware that if you mow too short, you may promote the growth of crabgrass. Always follow the recommended height for your type of grass.
  2. Apply Pre-Emergent Herbicides: Pre-emergent herbicides are a popular method to control crabgrass. These herbicides disrupt the germination of crabgrass seeds and prevent them from establishing in your lawn. They work by forming a barrier on the soil surface that inhibits the seed from growing. It’s important to apply these herbicides before the crabgrass has a chance to sprout. Timing is critical – apply the herbicide when temperatures rise to around 60°F.
  3. Improve Soil Health: Crabgrass thrives in compacted soil with poor drainage. Addressing soil health issues is one of the best methods to prevent crabgrass infestations. The addition of organic matter like compost and topsoil can improve soil quality, making it less prone to compaction and more resistant to crabgrass.
  4. Hand-pull Crabgrass: Hand-pulling is a physically demanding task but an effective way to eliminate crabgrass roots. To hand-pull crabgrass, you’ll need to wear gloves and a long-sleeved shirt to avoid cuts and scrapes from the sharp leaves. Use a garden fork or trowel to loosen the soil around the roots, then pull the plant firmly out of the ground. Repeat the process as often as necessary until you break the life cycle of the weed.
  5. Use a Post-Emergent Herbicide: Post-emergent herbicides are used to kill crabgrass after it has sprouted. They work by targeting the growing part of the weed, causing it to wilt and eventually die. The best way to apply post-emergent herbicides is by using a spot-treatment method. You can use a sprayer or a sponge to target the crabgrass directly, without harming the surrounding lawn.

Lawn care companyCrabgrass is a stubborn and persistent weed, but it’s not impossible to eliminate. A combination of timely lawn care practices and the use of pre-emergent and post-emergent herbicides can help you get rid of crabgrass and keep it from coming back. Remember to mow regularly, improve your soil health, and use herbicides appropriately to eliminate this lawn invader. Apply the tips and techniques found in this guide and enjoy a healthy lawn free from crabgrass for good. Contact our landscaping company in London, Ontario and surrounding areas for depedable property maintenance services.


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